Assuming there is a God – and that “He” in fact created everything, and specifically created the human body to work optimally if not abused by alcohol, tobacco or drug consumption – which socio-economic system would seem to fit in best with “His” plans and intentions?
Recent events in Cuba may give us a clue.
After the fall of communism in Russia in 1990, Russia stopped helping Cuba with money and food subsidies.
The average daily consumption of calories fell in Cuba during the following years from an average of 2800 calories per day to around 1800.
And after a decade of reduced calorie consumption, type 2 diabetes has almost disappeared from the country – and there has been a drop in heart disease by a third.
Correspondingly another fortunate result is that medical costs have also fallen.
America has boycotted the export of food, fuel and medicine to Cuba for 5 decades – but it is only now that results are being seen, as Cuba has lost its replacement subsidies from Russia.
By America and Russia working together to deny Cuba the munificence of capitalism. Cubans are living longer and healthier.
God’s plan? If so, is “He” a commie?
And would it greatly lessen America’s staggering medical costs if we turned food production over to those notoriously incompetent Communists?
Next time you find yourself heading for the fridge, ask yourself, “What would that pinko Jesus do?”
I love this!