Thursday, March 24, 2011

God is Innocent.. say the atheists..

After every horrifying disaster the so-called - and self-appointed -  religious leaders dash from their pulpits and thrust themselves before the media's cameras to explain things to us. And to no one's great surprise we always get some fire-breathing nut blaming God for massacring thousands. 

From the late Jerry Falwell telling us God struck the World Trade Towers because we were too soft on homosexuality, to Pat Robertson telling Haitians that God brought down a quake killing 200,000 because they had gotten uppity 200 years ago and rebelled against the French(!)

And this time Billy Graham's dead-eyed zombie of a son, Franklin hints that Japan is just the harbinger of a riled God's righteous displeasure.

The only group of people who never ever blame God for sadistic murderous behavior are atheists. Atheists know He is undeserving of such slanderous accusations.